2012, God tapped Brenda on the shoulder and prompted her to step out on faith and put together a women’s conference. Also prompted by God, Brenda called Susan Wehba, who courageously and fearlessly said, “Yes!” Thus, ASCEND Women was born.
As founding Co-Director of the annual Ascend Women Conference they have attracted speakers Wendy Griffith, April Osteen-Simons, Doug Addison, CeCeWinans, Lisa Osteen-Comes, Mary Hudson, Meagan Good, Isik Abla, Kathleen Cooke, and Michelle Bachmann, along with musical guest Lincoln Brewster and many more. ASCEND Women is an annual event that has grown and reached beyond boundaries where women have been set free, saved and where HIS name is truly glorified.
Brenda is married to the love of her life and has three beautiful daughters. She is fueled by her passionate faith in God and gives generously of her time and talent to nonprofit businesses, charities and churches. She has served on the board of IDLE TUESDAYS, W.C.I.G, ICAN & ILP. She is a Member of Bel Air Presbyterian Church, where she has led worship, serves as a deacon and teaches a flourishing women’s Bible study group for over 5 years. She travels as a speaker and recently, she has spearheaded fundraising efforts for Mercy Multiplied, aiding young women who are abandoned and in need.
She is also the contributing author of the book Blessedness of Brokenness which highlights how God looks at the broken and sees beauty. And Brenda’s new book, to be released in 2019, is about JOY! It portrays triumph and strength, not only in her own life, but how the Lord has given her a JOYful heart of encouragement and a hope for others which is evident in everything she does.
As a founding Co-Director of the annual ASCEND Conference for women, Brenda believes that …